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Monday, April 20, 2015

A Single's Place

Diaries of a Single Girl Entry 1

Are you single? Do you feel lost among your friends,family and peers?Being single can be an awkward place sometimes. When everyone else seems sure and settled you're still searching. Where can a single person be found? Let's look at two common options.

Many single women think their place is at their job. They believe a job will substitute for the empty spot beside them. The empty chair at the table. The empty passenger's seat. The empty bench at a game.  In that place they shove  their career and say this will be my companion. But can a job really fulfill, does it do overtime when you're out to eat by yourself?When you're alone at the movies is your career beside you? Howbeit when a bad snow storm hits and you're trapped in doors,what good is your job then? (Aside from the fortunate woman who can work from home of course) A career will not make you found,because it's not 100% reliable. People lose their jobs everyday and with it their hope. A career is not the answer to a lost single,because career does not make a single a double.

Constant Dating
 Dating the fun,awesome popular trend among singles. Dating is often  like a game of hide and seek. Dating offers you a shoulder to cry on ,a person to think on,a partner to hang with,that is  for the moment. Dating like a career is not steady it can end and begin at anytime,anywhere and for any reason. If you put your stability into a relationship that is not committed you get nothing in return. Constant and mindless dating is often  used as a crutch for the lonely,lost single.Truly if you believe God has a soul mate for you, you'd believe that he will find you wherever you are. Dating has one purpose to me and that is to find someone you can marry. I don't believe you should date if that's not your purpose.Dating is not a substitute for the unmarried single gal.Neither  is it the answer to become whole or validated. We were made for one and that one will find us when the time is right.When you use dating as a substitute instead of a permanent, the void often gets deeper. With each breakup you're lost again searching with an even greater need. To heal the wounds made by your previous relationship and to be found. Dating will not make the lost single lady found.Instead it will drag her through the dirt and all around.

Today you can be found. You can be found in Jesus he said I came to seek and save that which is lost. Any single woman  must know her place in God,before she can know herself in a romantic relationship. Single ladies you're not alone, if you're saved you have God. If you're not saved you are alone and only one can truly complete you and that's God. You might say but I need a physical body here with me. Someone I can cling to and know. God is more than enough and he made us with a greater need for him than a physical or romantic  need for a male.Put things into perspective seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you. As God found you and sought after you, your future spouse will seek you and find you in the perfect time.

Written & Photography by :Yours Truly!

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