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Saturday, July 25, 2015

My Top 5 Favorite Summer Songs

My Top 5 Favorite Summer Songs

Love Was Stronger by Audio Adrenaline
This song is a powerful reminder of God's astounding love for us, and explains that God's love is much much stronger than sin and that God's atoning blood can cleanse us from sin if we confess our sins and forsake them. I enjoy this song so much because I feel the tangible love of God and Audio Adrenaline sings the song in a very heartfelt way. You should definitely check this song out!

We Believe by Newsboys
We Believe is an amazing declaration of what we as the body of Christ believe. It's a heart stirring song that encourages saints everywhere to share the gospel with others and be a light that shines in the thick darkness.

Your Love Surrounds Me by Grace Williams
This song is very heart touching and refreshing. In this song Grace Williams sings about the tangible love of God. I love to listen to this song and meditate on God and His goodness. It eases my mind and helps me feel closer to God. Please give this song a try. You will not regret it!

Healing Oil by Grace Williams
This song is just heavenly. It is a beautiful song and Grace Williams's voice transcends this earthly realm. When I listen to this song it brings me into the very throne room of God. I feel His presence and His love. This song is sure to bless you as well! And it's an excellent song to use during your praise and worship time.

Burn Within by Grace Williams
This song brings you into the celestial throne room of God.  While stirring in you a hunger to draw closer to the Lord, it creates a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that can only come from God and fills the deep longings of your heart with the all consuming peace of God. 

You can also find these songs on Spotify.

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Friday, July 17, 2015

Identity Crisis: Are You Being Who God Created You to Be?

Identity Crisis: Are You Being Who God Created You to Be?

As a woman or teen do you ever feel like if you changed your hairstyle, or tweaked your style you would be more accepting to others? Or are you at the place where you've realized that somewhere along the line of trying to please others that you've stopped being who God created you to be? Or are you completely clueless and unsure of who you are because you've pleased people all of your life? Are you stuck in a identity crisis? Do you really know who you are?

5 Ways to Know If You're a People Pleaser

Before you move forward with an endeavor, do you ask everyone you know if you should do it?
If most people around you disagree, do you put a halt to your plans?
Do you constantly wonder if people like you?
Do you constantly have to be reaffirmed that you're accepted by someone?
Do you feel rejected when you don't receive constant compliments from friends?

If you answered yes to most of these questions then you're most definitely a people pleaser. Do you ever stop to think if you are you pleasing to God? When making decisions, do you value God's opinion above all else? Are you living to please God or man? 

Now moving back to identity. Your identity can easily get muddled if you're a people pleaser and in the process you can stop being the person God created you to be and become caught up in an identity crisis. So how can you get out of the rut you're in and start being the woman or man that God has created you to be? 

You can start by acknowledging your uniqueness. In Psalm 139:14 it says you are fearfully and wonderfully made. If God wanted you to be the same as that person that you admire than He would have made you the same way, but he made you a unique individual with so much to offer to the world.

Be Yourself
You can also start by doing things that you've always wanted to do that line up with God's word. If you've always wanted to embrace your natural hair than go for it! If you've always wanted to express yourself through your style then start expressing your modest self! If you've always wanted to share your personality with others but you've been too shy, start being yourself! Take your mask off and start being the person who God created you to be which will not only benefit yourself, but those around you as well in a tremendous way.

Effects of Being the One God Has Called You to Be
People will admire you
You will inspire others to be themselves
You will learn to love the person God has made you to be

In Jeremiah 1:5 it reads,"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee." God knows who you are, so start showing others who you really are!

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Friday, July 10, 2015

Women of Faith In The Spotlight:Naomi Striemer

Naomi Striemer Interview

Recently, I had the pleasure of  interviewing the critically acclaimed Christian Singer-Songwriter, renowned Speaker and Best-Selling Author Naomi Streimer.
In this interview we talk about her faith, purpose,and her music.  I had hoped to inspire and strengthen others through this interview and in the end I was truly strengthened and   inspired.

is a prolific author and chart topping Christian singer/ songwriter.Naomi changed her career path  to pursue Christian music ministry after an unlikely encounter in Sean 'Puff Daddy' Combs NYC hip hop studio, when a chauffeur approached her with a dream he had been given about her life.

A Christian Sister Perspective: How has God moved in your life since leaving the world of pop music and going into   Contemporary Christian Music and Ministry?(
Would you say at that point of time when you left that you surrendered to God’s plan for your life?)

Naomi: A promise was made to me that night in the Hip Hop studio that changed my life forever. The promise was, that if I left everything (all my 'dream chasing') and followed God, and God alone, that He would fulfill every one of my dreams and more. Well, God was faithful to His promise. I cannot recall one dream that I have had that Jesus has not brought to fruition. But what I wasn’t expecting was that God would go BEYOND my wildest dreams and give me more in my life than I could have ever hoped for or imagined. When we surrender to God’s will, we are not sacrificing or ‘ giving up’ something, we are gaining a whole world we can’t even imagine. God is a God of love and I see that every day.

(From this point on our names will be abbreviated.)

ACSP: What is your favorite bible verse that strengthens and touches you? (I know there is so many but you can name one that has been really on your heart recently or throughout your life.) 

N: The verse I always go to as my favorite is the tail end of Matthew 28:20 “…I will be with you always, to the end of the age” this verse, somehow encompasses the entire Bible for me. It is simple yet it is filled with so much meaning. It says to me that in our struggles, triumphs, joys and tears God will never forsake us. Not until He is with us again. I find great comfort in this verse.

ACSP: At the end of a concert what is your profound hope for the audience and the central message that you want to rely?

N: My goal with every concert is to inspire a new trust in God, new meaning to life’s worries, and hopefully a faith that can allow each one of us to follow Christ no matter what. Sometimes it takes hearing someone else testimony for us to put the pieces together of our own journey. So my prayer is that everyone walking away from my concert can feel a little more complete and at peace than when they arrived.

 ACSP: For a girl or woman  who is trying to find her way in life, and doesn’t know God what would your advice be?

N: When you see good in others, when you experience unexplainable things (miracles) and even when you look upon the beauty in simplicity (a flower, a child’s smile) that surrounds you, what you are seeing is God and His love for you. The entire world was created as a love note from Heaven. Unfortunately sin has waged a battle to corrupt and distort this beautiful gift from God. But if you open your eyes, you will see that God is with you, and He is rooting for you, even when you don’t realize it. And Jesus, the Son of God has already died for you, your way to freedom and peace has already been paid. There is nothing you can do to earn God’s love and there is nothing you could do to destroy God’s love for you. And if one day you believe that love exists you will begin to see yourself the way God sees you… as a perfect, faultless child of the creator.

ACSP: Yes the bible says we know there is a God through his creation:For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse. Romans 1:20

ACSP: Could we get a sneak peek at what to expect for your next album?

N: The next album is slowly being put together. There are many songs that have been written but many more that still need to be written. I’m constantly writing down thoughts and themes for songs and so when it is time to write I can go to those notes and remember what I wanted to write about. So far the songs are of hope, triumph, and magic smile emoticon When we’re young we believe in the impossible, but then we grow up and begin believing that not everything is actually possible, but the truth is with God…everything really IS possible! We just need to find that magical outlook we had as children.

ACSP: Thank you, and I'm honored that you took out your time to do this interview. God Bless You and keep you,may he make his face to shine upon you.For all of you who are reading who are searching or lost go to the cross. You'll find everything you need there!

To find out more about visit : http://www.naomistriemermusic.com

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Naomi's Photo & Introduction courtesy of : http://www.naomistriemermusic.com/about.html

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Why I Ditched The Prom

My Story

This is the moment where you anxiously wait for your prince charming to ask you to the prom. Meanwhile you go to the mall and pick out the perfect dress. You’re full of joy as you plan out all the fashionable details accessories nails, shoes, dress, hair and makeup! You feel like a pampered princess! Finally you step into a fancy limo or your prince charming station wagon. Hey at least you’re with your prince charming right? Then you proceed to experience one the most magical days of your life. Is this what you imagine or experienced during your high school prom? The truth is I never experienced any of this, but I’m all the happier for it. Yes, I'm happier with no prince charming, no dress,no shoes and the best of no bill! Now I’m not dashing anyone who decided or decides to go to the prom. However, I do think that there are a lot of unrealistic perceptions when it comes to this event.
The fact of the matter is at 16, I decided not to go to the prom.

 I grew up in a household where God was more important than anything. In my childhood household  wisdom was preferred over custom. I didn’t go to parties at school or outside of school. I was accustomed to living a life that was about being selfless, glorifying God and focused on things that would have a positive influence on my future. A least this is what my parents wanted for me and in the end what I wanted as well. The prom itself didn’t seem to have a lot of positives couples were renting hotel rooms to spend the night together; the guys seemed to have ulterior motives, (besides I was to young to care about love) the music was going to sensual and ungodly. Not to mention the people who were setting up everything for the prom didn’t share my values at all. 

 Basically the verse that says avoid all appearance of evil was our household motto. Let me clarify that my upbringing by far was not a bad thing, it was actually the best. I got to see a world that was Christ centered and not conformed by society’s customs and idea of what a teen should experience. It was like living in the old days with a good ole old fashioned upbringing. I had the freedom to experience the real me and anti-conformity. So much so that when the prom came around I had no interest in it at all.
My friends offered to let me ride in their limo, and to help me find the perfect dress even offered to help pay for it. However, in the end none of that convinced me to go, because I saw that it wasn’t as important as society makes it be. The fact is you’re a princess despite whether you go or not. I think you must ask yourself what I am really missing. Is there anything that would derive from this experience that I have to have? Will this experience glorify God, keep me spiritually strong or strengthen my self-esteem? In conclusion what is most important while being a teenager in school?

I believe it is serving God and pleasing him first. So maybe the prom is not something you have to attend. Pray about it. This might make you look strange that’s okay. As an adult now I see that strange or different is so awesome.The most important thing in high school is representing God in a positive way and sharing his love and salvation with others. Whatever you decide you don’t have go to prom to still be an awesome princess! I spent the night of the prom with popcorn,movies and bonding with my family, and I’ve never regretted it.

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Image: Courtesy Google Images

The Virgin Mind

3 Steps To A Pure Mind

There is a lot of rave about purity now with purity rings, books and songs on waiting for marriage and being a virgin or celibate. The fact is there should be, but more importantly from the whole complete perspective. How many virgins have pushed the boundaries with their boyfriend? How many virgins’ minds have been defiled through bad company, bad television, explicit music or literature? How many virgins have yielded themselves to lust? God not only desires us to withstand from pre-martial and immoral sex, but from all impurity. You may be a virgin medically or physically, but are you a virgin mentally? Are better yet you may be celibate which is equally as honoring to God, but is your mind celibate? It’s not about what you’ve done it’s about what you’re doing and what you’re going to do. God forgives your past and gives you a future, but you have to repent that means to turn away from sin.

 A pure mind is important and the earlier you determine to have one the better. If you can transform your mind now it will be much easier and smoother in the future.

The mind is just as important as the body. God desires that both are holy.(1 Peter 1:16) In fact oftentimes physical actions start in the mind.

One of the main causes of mind corruption is fantasy. Oftentimes fantasy starts as something innocent and childlike, but in many cases that’s not how it ends. A little girl dreams of a prince, when she becomes a teen with hormones, that prince is transforms inot a rebel boyfriend who wants to sexually experiment. Her dream of a prince has morphed into to a good looking, slicking talking, bad boy rebel, who is intent on stealing her purity. Her idea of love eventually is reduced to physical and sexual promiscuity. Her mind becomes a wealth of dirty images. Or let’s switch this around a little boy starts off dreaming of a princess. As a teen he thinks a girl is pretty and that morphs into seeing her as a sexual object. Furthermore, maybe the devil teases you with flashbacks of your past mistakes. Well I want you to know that there is victory and you can have a pure mind and body.

The three major keys to success avoid or recover a corrupt and defiled mind.
1.)    Fill your mind with good things! Your favorite book should be the word of God. Yes, the bible it’s not as popular among teens, but it should be. The bible has the power to end bullying, depression, suicide, pre-marital sex, and more, but only if you invest your time in reading it and believing it. Going to church or youth group is not enough you must take out time purposely to read and talk to God.

Philippians 4:8 says: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

2.)    Avoid bad things. AVOID all bad media that’s movies, music, games, literature etc. that display or even hint at sexual impurity and wickedness. You might say that narrows my entertainment down quite a bit, well it might make you do a little more research, but a lot of good is out there you just have to look.  
Psalms 101:31  says: I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.
3.)    Pray Be honest with God and pray from the depth of your heart. Confess to God your thoughts and sin and accept his forgiveness. Pray for a desire to be free. Get someone to agree in prayer with you to have a free, pure, mind. Matthew 21:22 says: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

If this article struck a chord in you, what are you going to do about it? Remember God can and will forgive you accept his forgiveness and turn away from your past sin. It’s not about who we’ve been, but who we will become. You can take control over your mind today by submitting it to God and his righteousness.
 Please comment and share any thoughts, experiences or encouragement!

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