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Friday, April 24, 2015

Fears: Summer Terror

Three Keys to Overcoming your fear of spiders!
Overcoming Series

The sun is beginning to warm the plains of the prairie and the streets of the city. It’s spring time and the glorious shield that was held up against all bugs and spiders is slowly being lowered. That means what once was is no more. The freedom from bugs and spiders is beginning to be threatened, but no worries. The answer to your fearful qualms are here! So many people have a fear of spiders. Why are people afraid? Well because they appear sly and creepy and their not in any way easy on the eyes. I always thought if spiders were just a little more pretty we’d be less repulsed by them. You know like a ladybug whose repulsed or afraid of that? Yeah I know spiders bite and even kill, but so do germs and chemicals are you afraid of them, besides the majority of spiders don’t. There are dangers all around think about it. Do you fear falling down and hitting your head? Do you fear crossing the street because you might get hit by a car.I should think not.

The first key to getting over this fear is to know a spiders purpose. You know all the bugs and pests that  a sore pain. Spiders help prevent them from taking over your residence.  Like the mosquito who wants to suck your blood and make you scratch obsessively, producing multiple scabs.I once heard someone say ,what would you rather have 100 bugs in your home or one spider? Some good food for thought. Spiders are good for the habit and nature. Spiders were not made to be a thorn in our side or a fearful enigma, but to better the environment. Knowing these creatures are not just here to find you, bite you, or torment you makes a difference.


The second key to overcoming your fear by is by facing it.  When you see a spider don’t be so quick to throw a box at it,look at it. Watch it,study it and take in its presence. You can even pull up some pictures on Google and look at them.The more you do that the more you’ll get familiar with the creature for what it is. Just look at it for a little bit. In a world full of insects you might as well get used to them. Size it up and compare your size to them. There’s not much competition at all. After you’ve done that of course move in to eliminate it from your residence.


The third key is to trust in God now this is actually number one in reverse. I like to start of with logic and then move to faith. The brain seems to accept it better once you find logic doesn't have all the answers. Faith is more powerful than anything. God cares about every hair on your head, so how much more does he care about every fear even the little ones. I remember praying against a huge spider on the loose. I prayed it would not enter my room it didn't .This is a common fear but, it’s nothing to the God who made the little creatures. He is above all and more powerful than all. Prayer on this fear works, consistently and faithful and also your words. Pray and have faith that God will keep you from harm and that when you do face one you’ll have the ability to defeat it. Think about it it's not even a 1/3 of your size the power lies in your hands. In Genesis s God said he gave us dominion over all the animals and the fish of the sea. We are the master not the slave to this creature. We have authority not a tiny circle with a lot of legs. If you don’t do any of these steps pray because prayer is more powerful than anything in the world. Through prayer death, disease, deformity, disorders, nature and much more has been conquered. So pray and believe.

Psalms 56:3-4 - What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. 

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