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Friday, July 17, 2015

Identity Crisis: Are You Being Who God Created You to Be?

Identity Crisis: Are You Being Who God Created You to Be?

As a woman or teen do you ever feel like if you changed your hairstyle, or tweaked your style you would be more accepting to others? Or are you at the place where you've realized that somewhere along the line of trying to please others that you've stopped being who God created you to be? Or are you completely clueless and unsure of who you are because you've pleased people all of your life? Are you stuck in a identity crisis? Do you really know who you are?

5 Ways to Know If You're a People Pleaser

Before you move forward with an endeavor, do you ask everyone you know if you should do it?
If most people around you disagree, do you put a halt to your plans?
Do you constantly wonder if people like you?
Do you constantly have to be reaffirmed that you're accepted by someone?
Do you feel rejected when you don't receive constant compliments from friends?

If you answered yes to most of these questions then you're most definitely a people pleaser. Do you ever stop to think if you are you pleasing to God? When making decisions, do you value God's opinion above all else? Are you living to please God or man? 

Now moving back to identity. Your identity can easily get muddled if you're a people pleaser and in the process you can stop being the person God created you to be and become caught up in an identity crisis. So how can you get out of the rut you're in and start being the woman or man that God has created you to be? 

You can start by acknowledging your uniqueness. In Psalm 139:14 it says you are fearfully and wonderfully made. If God wanted you to be the same as that person that you admire than He would have made you the same way, but he made you a unique individual with so much to offer to the world.

Be Yourself
You can also start by doing things that you've always wanted to do that line up with God's word. If you've always wanted to embrace your natural hair than go for it! If you've always wanted to express yourself through your style then start expressing your modest self! If you've always wanted to share your personality with others but you've been too shy, start being yourself! Take your mask off and start being the person who God created you to be which will not only benefit yourself, but those around you as well in a tremendous way.

Effects of Being the One God Has Called You to Be
People will admire you
You will inspire others to be themselves
You will learn to love the person God has made you to be

In Jeremiah 1:5 it reads,"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee." God knows who you are, so start showing others who you really are!

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  1. 4 Sisters who like to write? How cool! Keep up the encouraging words on this blog. You never know who will benefit from reading them. :)
