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Wednesday, June 6, 2018



This world is full of contradictions. Oftentimes in school, we tell young children not to use certain words, yet the media is full of vulgar language. And the same things that children are told not to say are displayed in the films that many families sit down together and watch on a regular basis. You can tell a child not to say certain things but if you allow them to watch movies that have profanity, you are sending a mixed message. You are saying it is wrong with your lips, but you are condoning such language with your actions. This will cause your children to follow what you do. While they may not say the vulgar language, they may think it is okay to watch movies and media with vulgar language in it. In the bible we are instructed to be holy even as God is holy. The bible instructs us to flee even the very appearance of evil. Therefore as teachers, mentors, and trainers we need to focus on setting the example for others to follow. If we are going to instruct others, we need to live it out in our own lives so that children will follow our example.

"Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." 1 Peter 1:16

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