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Friday, November 3, 2017

Reavealing the Truth About Immodesty

“Dressing modestly is my way of telling the world I don't play by your rules - I play by God's rules.” - Unknown

Ladies are you revealing dignity or your body? The wise man Solomon once said “Strength and honour should be found in a woman’s clothing." (Proverbs 31:25a) After recently discussing this subject I wanted to write about it,if you asked yourself the question this moment is my outfit too revealing, what would your answer be? The world tells us as a woman that to be beautiful or have worth we need to show our body,dress like the celebrities,they say display your body parts like assets on a shelf,especially if you're young,they say show & flaunt your body, and you'll get a man, these are all LIES! 

Our bodies are not a product displayed on a shelf,we don't get good relationships through selling ourselves,we are not sex machines,men if you’re reading remember that,we are precious and made in the image of God. We have to realize that if we don't have respect for ourselves, no one else will, if we want men to respect us,we must respect ourselves,if we claim to know God yet dress improper we are poor representations of the gospel. Better yet how can we expect to teach our daughters modesty when we haven't grasped the meaning of it ourselves?How can women cry and fight against sex trafficking and the sex industry when they walk around dressed like their a part of it. I once saw an interview of a lady advocate speaking out against sex-trafficking, only to find out after googling that she was an actress who played in many racy films,I don’t think she realized she was a part of the problem not the solution and how hypocritical?

“Modesty isn't about covering up our bodies because their bad, modesty isn't about hiding ourselves... it's about revealing our dignity.” -Jessica Rey
Please forgive me if I sound harsh or judgmental that is not my intention whatsoever.My heart cries out at the state of women in America and around the world. I know a lot of you are already standing for modesty and I congratulate every single one of you, you’re beautiful and rare and making a difference in this world.If you believe it’s okay to dress immodest may I challenge you to reconsider? Realize that God wants you to be his child and to love and respect what he gave you. Also I’m not talking about wardrobe malfunctions or mis-examinations we learn and grow everyday, I’m talking about deliberately, choosing clothes that are revealing, that’s wrong. God called us to be women of dignity,class and lights in this dark world “not” stumbling-blocks. I go in the shopping malls look at some of the selections and think my God what has fashion come to? Are women so cheap? Where is the propriety ?

Does our body mean so little? Why is so much fashion see through,short,tight,or low cut it’s ridiculous, but because Satan makes it alluring and acceptable many women and girls fall into the trap. Think about it the number 1 woman superhero is flying around in underwear or booty shorts whichever and a colorful bra what is this teaching women and little girls?Please join me in fighting against this new wave of immodesty and indecency don’t show the whole world what is private and precious, learn to love and respect yourselves as God does, share the message with other ladies in a loving manner that modesty is always beautiful.In addition, modesty goes beyond our dress to our manner,conduct, and our heart towards God. I conclude with a quote by Leah Darrow “Modesty is more than just a hemline, it is an interior disposition that influences not only our dress, but out thoughts and actions. “

As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.” (Proverbs 11:22 )
Dressing modestly isn't looking outdated, it's respecting yourself...and looking killer at the same time! - Clothed In Glory
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