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Tuesday, October 21, 2014



Is your voice unheard? There are so many talented and intellectual beings that go unnoticed every day. To them it feels like their forgotten and unimportant. In this world that encourages people to follow their dreams it’s kind of hard not to feel that way. Yet our life is defined by what God's says first and foremost. A lot of people talk a lot of nonsense, some words that would be better left unsaid. I believe everyone has a  unique voice that is made to be heard in some way or another.

If you’re not being seen or heard it doesn’t mean you’re not important. Cliché statement huh? The truth of the matter is it has serious depth. How many great writers and artists voices went unheard for most of their lives? Yet now their books are being read across the world and their paintings are being hung in king’s palaces. Most likely you’re not being heard, because most people are caught up with themselves, rich familiar faces or advertised ones. Oftentimes people are slow at letting someone else in the loop. When you’re a new attractive emerging artist with 10,000 ads displaying your fresh face people are sure to be intrigued. Thus, oftentimes look over people who aren’t dressed a certain way or who don’t meet our typical standard are overlooked. YouTube has created a voice for the voiceless, but where is the true comfort and love when the computer shuts off and all those subscribers are no where to be found. The sad part is most of those well-known people  and their fans alike are clueless about who they truly are. They let others like the director,media or fans tell them who to be. To be truly heard there is something deeper to be found, and that is our identity.

Our voice truly counts when were comfortable with who we are and when we have the right perspective of life. No one can be complete without knowing their creator.The God who created us knows more about what’s inside of us than we do. God has a detailed plan for each and every one of us.He hears our voice even when others don't.Being heard is a desire in the basic circumstances like being heard by your parents, family,husband,friends and some people the world.The desire to be heard is not just for popularity it actually aligns with our confidence. We all want to feel treasured and loved.Our voice was given to  to be heard in a unique and wonderful way.Everyone wasn't made to be a public speaker,preacher or singer, but in some way God made us to speak and be heard. God wants your voice to be heard, but more importantly he wants his voice to be heard through you. It's what God says that is most important.God’s words are the answer to every problem. We can’t help anyone solve a problem without using the words of our father. God words are immortal and can work through centuries. As the world changes God words of truth and comfort stay the same. Additionally, it heals, restores, saves , plants and brings hope. Our father is smarter than us. If we learn from the best (God) we’ll be the best person we can be. God can give new meaning to your life. You know even when no one else is listening God is and always desire's to hear your precious voice.Many people were never known, nor their talents unleashed until they had an encounter with God. How can you be heard? How can your life have purpose? How can you find the confidence to speak in your own voice? Have an encounter with God, he will make  your story worth telling and your voice worth being heard.We are all born a half until we unite with God that’s when we truly become whole.

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