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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Why I Ditched The Prom

My Story

This is the moment where you anxiously wait for your prince charming to ask you to the prom. Meanwhile you go to the mall and pick out the perfect dress. You’re full of joy as you plan out all the fashionable details accessories nails, shoes, dress, hair and makeup! You feel like a pampered princess! Finally you step into a fancy limo or your prince charming station wagon. Hey at least you’re with your prince charming right? Then you proceed to experience one the most magical days of your life. Is this what you imagine or experienced during your high school prom? The truth is I never experienced any of this, but I’m all the happier for it. Yes, I'm happier with no prince charming, no dress,no shoes and the best of no bill! Now I’m not dashing anyone who decided or decides to go to the prom. However, I do think that there are a lot of unrealistic perceptions when it comes to this event.
The fact of the matter is at 16, I decided not to go to the prom.

 I grew up in a household where God was more important than anything. In my childhood household  wisdom was preferred over custom. I didn’t go to parties at school or outside of school. I was accustomed to living a life that was about being selfless, glorifying God and focused on things that would have a positive influence on my future. A least this is what my parents wanted for me and in the end what I wanted as well. The prom itself didn’t seem to have a lot of positives couples were renting hotel rooms to spend the night together; the guys seemed to have ulterior motives, (besides I was to young to care about love) the music was going to sensual and ungodly. Not to mention the people who were setting up everything for the prom didn’t share my values at all. 

 Basically the verse that says avoid all appearance of evil was our household motto. Let me clarify that my upbringing by far was not a bad thing, it was actually the best. I got to see a world that was Christ centered and not conformed by society’s customs and idea of what a teen should experience. It was like living in the old days with a good ole old fashioned upbringing. I had the freedom to experience the real me and anti-conformity. So much so that when the prom came around I had no interest in it at all.
My friends offered to let me ride in their limo, and to help me find the perfect dress even offered to help pay for it. However, in the end none of that convinced me to go, because I saw that it wasn’t as important as society makes it be. The fact is you’re a princess despite whether you go or not. I think you must ask yourself what I am really missing. Is there anything that would derive from this experience that I have to have? Will this experience glorify God, keep me spiritually strong or strengthen my self-esteem? In conclusion what is most important while being a teenager in school?

I believe it is serving God and pleasing him first. So maybe the prom is not something you have to attend. Pray about it. This might make you look strange that’s okay. As an adult now I see that strange or different is so awesome.The most important thing in high school is representing God in a positive way and sharing his love and salvation with others. Whatever you decide you don’t have go to prom to still be an awesome princess! I spent the night of the prom with popcorn,movies and bonding with my family, and I’ve never regretted it.

Written By:

Image: Courtesy Google Images

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